Members List

The Lakshmi Group womens Members are listed below. M.Santhi    Founder and Managing Trustee, Sevajothi Trust M.Santhi   have more experience...

Members List

The Lakshmi Group womens Members are listed below.

Founder and Managing Trustee, Sevajothi Trust

M.Santhi have more experience in non governmental organizations like Association for Sarva Seva Farms (ASSEFA) & Bharath Foundation. A devoted personality who actively involved in promoting the cause of Sevajothi Trust and its welfare activities. She also an active philanthropist and community leader. She holds a degree in Maths from Madurai Kamaraj University
  1.  M.Santhi, Group Leader
  2. Priya, Secretary
  3. V.Pavithra, Treasurer
  4. Padmavathy, Member
  5. E.Umarani, Sr.Member
  6. G.Sambavi, Member
  7. N.Rizwana Jannah, Member
  8. J.Jothi, Member
  9. S.Danam, Member
  10. S.Mallika, Member
  11. S.Pavithra, Member
  12. M.Jothi, Member



  2.  cash,  loan collections, accounts & auditing(Book Keeper), promotional  charges for accountant member  Rs.250 /- pm  only
  3.  Loan Application fee Rs.10 /- only with surety and  1% interest per month
  4. stationery , Travel  and  refreshment expenses are equally /common shared
  5. Loan should be availed for half of the total amount saved


SHG, NGO, women, female, girls, oldage, young womens, married womens, sevajothi,  self help group, poor women, BPL,  kulu, Cluster Federations,  Women Network, women empowerment, female groups, male groups, shg in melur, Entrepreneurs

tamilnadu, INDIA, melur, madurai, coimbatore, sivagangai

micro finance, chit, co-operative, money, lending , loans, Revolving fund, group-lending, book keeping, mini bank, micro loans, savings, group loan in melur, 

lakshmi SHG, Senpavai SHG, Pappathy SHG, Paramu SHG, womens group, kakkan shg, 

Mahalir Thittam - Women Empowerment Project,  Mahila Kisans, 

Contact Us

Senpavai Self Help Group(SHG)

345, Trichy Main Road, Melur -625106

Madurai, Tamilnadu

Mob/whatsapp; +91 9042045934, 9677429089

Send Whatsapp Message


For More Details & any Requires Please WhatsApp here : 7708661011

About Us

Welcome to our women groups

  1. Lakshmi SHG
  2. Senpavai SHG

our group Pancha Sutra

  • Regular meeting
  • Regular savings
  • Internal loaning
  • Timely repayment
  • Proper book keeping

our Women Self Help Group in melur which is promoted by Sevajothi Trust and Supported by SBI. We do small savings on monthly basis.

Group Asset = NIL

Group Reserve Fund (GRF)  = Rs.1000 /- FD

A/c No: 149001000031632


SHG Advisors

 Mr. R.Muthukumar

Trustee- HR & Marketing He is an Mechanical Engineer having more than 10 years in Marketing in Textile & mechanical fields. He has managed multiple campaigns and projects, including Facility expansion. Current responsibilities include HR and Direct marketing. He is also managing the another textile company Jeeva tapes and trustee of Bharath foundation. Also an active member of various associations. He effectively creates new businesses and manages our various channel partners. He is taking care of tamilnadu, kerala and andra with 5 members team. 

Treasurer, Sevajothi Trust 

M.Jeyanthi has over 7 years of experience working with childrens education and also participates in the family business. She is also a writer, her articles and short stories have appeared in many college magazines and NGO Handbook. She is also a donor apart from being a strategic visionary of the Foundation and initiates women centric programs of the foundation. She holds a master’s degree in Tamil from Madurai Kamaraj University

Technical Advisor, Sevajothi Trust
Director - Education Department Staff Co-operative Society, Madurai
Sivakumar.M has more than 2 decades of rich experience in IT field both hardware and software. He is a multi-activity professional, with outstanding project planning, execution, documentation, monitoring and resource balancing skills with ability to support multiple simultaneous projects in a matrix organizational structure. He is Well-versed and supporting Technical side in computer,  Web designing, Photography, SEO and also interested in collecting of philately and numismatics. He is a good hard worker and looking after management of our Trust. Contributing at Recruitment, job fairs, Training sessions, Trade shows and government tenders. He was completed the electronics diploma with distinction. Before joining here he held Design Engineer & Customer Support Executive roles at several leading edge IT & ITES companies in various cities like Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Trivandrum. Also he is on the board of Directors/Advisors to several social organisations and an active member of various associations.