Members List

The Lakshmi Group womens Members are listed below. M.Santhi    Founder and Managing Trustee, Sevajothi Trust M.Santhi   have more experience...

Advantages of financing through SHGs

  • As a member of a group, an economically disadvantaged individual acquires strength.
  • Furthermore, SHG lending lowers transaction costs for both lenders and borrowers.
  • While lenders only have to deal with a single triple SHG account rather than a big number of tiny individual accounts, borrowers who are members of a SHG reduce or eliminate travel (to and from the branch and other locations) for paper work and workdays lost canvassing for loans.
  • SHGs have considerably empowered impoverished people in rural regions, particularly women, where they have been effective.
  • In rural regions, SHGs have made a significant contribution to lowering the impact of informal lenders.
  • Many large corporations are also supporting SHGs in various parts of India.
  • SHGs assist borrowers in overcoming the lack of collateral issue. Women may talk about their problems and come up with solutions.
  • Financial Inclusion – SHGs incentivise banks to lend to poor and marginalised sections of society because of the assurance of returns.
  • Voice to marginalised – SHGs have given a voice to the otherwise underrepresented and voiceless sections of society.
  • Social Integrity – SHGs help eradicate many social ills such as dowry, alcoholism, early marriage, etc.
  • Gender Equality – By empowering women SHGs help steer the nation towards true gender equality.
  • Pressure Groups – SHGs act as pressure groups through which pressure can be mounted on the government to act on important issues.
  • Enhancing the efficiency of government schemes – SHGs help implement and improve the efficiency of government schemes. They also help reduce corruption through social audits.
  • Alternate source of livelihood/employment – SHGa help people earn their livelihood by providing vocational training, and also help improve their existing source of livelihood by offering tools, etc. They also help ease the dependency on agriculture.
  • Impact on healthcare and housing – Financial inclusion due to SHGs has led to better family planning, reduced rates of child mortality, enhanced maternal health and also helped people fight diseases better by way of better nutrition, healthcare facilities and housing.
  • Banking literacy – SHGs encourage people to save and promote banking literacy among the rural segment.
Pradhan Mantri Formalisation of Micro Food Processing Enterprises Scheme

Seed Capital to SHG

Seed capital @ Rs. 40,000/- per SHG member would be provided to those engaged in food processing for working capital and purchase of small tools. Priority would be given for SHGs involved in ODOP produce in giving seed capital. Seed capital as a grant would be provided to the SHG federation which, in turn, would be extended to members as a loan through the SHGs. The SHG federation would provide this amount as a loan to the members of SHGs to be repaid to the SHG.

Eligibility Criteria for Seed Capital for SHGs:
1. Only SHG members that are presently engaged in food processing would be eligible.
2. The SHG member has to commit to utilize this amount for working capital and purchase of small tools and give a commitment in this regard to the SHG and SHG federation.
3. Before providing the seed capital, SHG Federation should collect the following basic details for each of the members:
  • Details of the product being processed;
  • Other activities undertaken;
  • Annual turnover;
  • Source of raw materials and marketing of produce.

Forms & Reports


Lakshmi Self Help Group
345, Trichy Main Road, Melur-625106, Madurai
9677429089 | |

S. No

SHG Member Name  & Address (Miss/Mrs)

Father/ Husband/ Guardian Name (Mr/Mrs)

 Total No. of meetings attended

Total Savings



Lakshmi SHG, Meur - Savings Details

S. No

Name of Member

Saving till last month












Name of SHG :

Lakshmi SHG

Date of Started



Income Receipts


Expenses Payment


Balance (Rs)



Others/ Fines

 Loan Isued





Lakshmi SHG, Meur - Loan Ledger

S. No

Name of loanee

Loan Number

Date of Sanction of loan

Surity/ Guaranter Name

Purpose of loan

Sanctioned loan amount (Rs)

No. of Instalments

Rate of Interest


Lakshmi SHG, Meur - Member Ledger


Name of Member :


Date of join ;



Date of paid



Internal Loan

External Loan



Grant TOTAL (Rs)







S.No.State/District/Block NameFresh No of ApplicationsFresh Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)Renewal No of ApplicationsRenewal Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)Enhancement No of ApplicationsEnhancement Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)


S.No.BankSanctioned No of ApplicationsSanctioned Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)Rejected No of ApplicationsRejected Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)Pending Total No of ApplicationsPending Total Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)
61INDIAN BANK20325₹53,605.9018245₹78,076.9219120₹84,045.09
62INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK2567₹8,571.431756₹7,212.132788₹12,291.22